2024 「Memory」Exhibition
Let Memory Inspire Infinite Creativity in Young Art
The 10th Love Rocks Art International Youth Arts ARS LONGA AWARD 2025 Artworks:
DEC 18st, 2024
紐約 Memor Museum 與 「讓愛了不起」基金會(Love Rocks Art Foundation)正式建立長期合作關係,攜手為全球青少年創造一個融合藝術、生命科學與實踐的多元平台!
New York’s Memor Museum and the Love Rocks Art Foundation have officially established a long-term partnership to create a multidisciplinary platform combining art, life sciences, and practical learning for youth worldwide!
【Memor Museum】記憶與文化的地標 | Memor Museum: A Landmark of Memory and Culture
Memor Museum 坐落於紐約大都會博物館歷史保護區內,距離大都會博物館僅百米,步行至古根海姆博物館僅七分鐘,毗鄰中央公園,是曼哈頓上東區唯一專注於亞洲文化的博物館。
Located in the Metropolitan Museum Historic District near the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Memor Museum is just steps away from The Met and a seven-minute walk from the Guggenheim Museum. As the only museum in this area focusing on Asian culture, it blends the deep heritage of its 19th-century roots with a modern vision of cultural innovation.
【主題】藝術、生命科學與人類記憶 | Theme: Art, Life Sciences, and Human Memory
This year’s “Seed Arts Award” centers on “Memory,” combining the exploration of life sciences with artistic expression. It invites youth from around the world to showcase the miracles and infinite potential of human memory through their creations.
亮點:橫跨三大主題,開啟藝術與文化的奇蹟之旅 | Highlights: Three Themes, One Miraculous Journey Across Art and Culture
1.全球青少年藝術展 | Global Youth Arts Exhibition
展示來自全球青少年藝術家的創意作品,聚焦「生命科學與藝術」的交融。Showcasing creative works by young artists worldwide, focusing on the integration of “Life Sciences and Art.”
2.《邂逅三星堆——12K微距看國寶》巡展 | “Sanxingdui Encounter: Global Tour of 12K Micro-viewing of National Treasures ”
Featuring groundbreaking 12K technology to bring the exquisite and grand heritage of ancient Shu civilization to life, taking visitors on a journey through history.
3.财神道——中国传统财富文化展 | The Path to Wealth: A Traditional Chinese Fortune Culture Exhibition
A special Lunar New Year event blending traditional culture and festive joy, offering guests a celebration of prosperity and happiness.
【合作亮點】為青少年提供成長與創造的平台 Collaboration Highlights: A Platform for Youth Development and Creativity
義工與實踐機會 | Volunteer Opportunities
Allow youth to participate in exhibitions and events, helping them gain practical experience and earn volunteer certification.
兼職崗位 | Part-Time Positions
Offer part-time positions (e.g., exhibition assistants) to help youth explore career opportunities in arts and culture.
創造與交流平台 | A Platform for Creation and Exchange
Enable youth to showcase their work and engage in meaningful exchanges with artists and scientists, sparking innovation.
募資支持與全球影響力 | Fundraising and Global Impact
「讓愛了不起」基金會作為紐約州 501(c)(3) 非營利組織,所有捐款均合法合規,並可享受稅收抵扣優惠。
As a certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in New York, the Love Rocks Art Foundation ensures that all donations are tax-deductible.
讓愛播種未來,邀您共同參與 | Let Love Plant Seeds for the Future
Memor Museum 與「讓愛了不起」基金會的合作,融合現代藝術、古代文明與新年傳統,成為橫跨文化與時間的盛大旅程。
The partnership between Memor Museum and the Love Rocks Art Foundation combines modern art, ancient civilization, and festive traditions into a grand journey across time and culture.